“Every year brings its share of joy and progress. We come for ourselves and we uplift each other, which has a ripple effect that guides our every step while we are Dancing with God.”
• “The Dancing with the Divine Retreat for Women connected women who have endured pain, sacrifices, and life experiences which allowed us to grow closer to the Divine, know The voice, and share the wisdom we learned and are still learning in order to assist other women.”
• I am so grateful for the support of all my sisters. In this retreat, there was no pressure, and it became easy to be intimate with meaningful sharing.
• My personal breakthroughs that weekend allowed me to leave with a greater capacity to shine my love out to the world as I acquired an inner glow that felt palpable. I left a lighter, brighter, more confident version of myself; which God didn’t hesitate in rewarding—quickly.
• To have been privileged to participate in this emergence in sacredness has been a blessing beyond anything I could have imagined. The friendships formed, the knowledge gained from the life experiences shared by others, the realization that we, as women, share a deeply spiritual common goal for ourselves, our children, and all of humanity on this planet, will serve to inspire and motivate me in the future to “take my place” as a daughter of God emerging in sacredness.
• I never experienced anything like this, going so deep where my heart and spirit released so many emotions of laughing and crying.
• Coming from that group and into the world made me see people differently and how giving time and attention makes the world a better place for me and those I come in contact with. I better understand now how to bear and show the fruits of my faith.
• Now it’s in my heart where it rests today. I experienced sacredness as a woman, an elusive state for me until this special weekend. Thank you, daughters of God, for thirteen new friends in the Spirit and for helping me into a deeper relationship with the One who continues to shape my soul.
• This has been an amazing experience in my life—both spiritually and socially. I enjoy the concept of “Dancing with the Divine.” I feel that, as a result, I have grown to the point of feeling the need to bring forth a message of love and acceptance.
• Freeing myself from my vulnerabilities helps me to heal and doing it with women is so safe. If I can’t talk about something, then I haven’t moved on—I am holding on to the past. But when I say it, it is liberating. Integration takes place slowly, but I will leave with something gained rather than something lost.
• These retreats are organic and flowing, shimmering with joy, emotion, and music. There is the ability to be in the moment and to appreciate relationships as unique.
• This group is like my school, giving me grounding, teaching me to balance service with self, to be stronger and more confident when interacting with people.
• I was blessed with the rare experience of seeing the real you: a young girl, a real person. The essence of each of you is incredible, magnificent.
• Thank you for opening the door of the heart and giving from the deepest part of yourselves. The depth of sharing of experiences, the courage to reveal our conflicts, was profound and brought about what I experienced as an instantaneous change in my psyche. I am thankful for an enlightening and empowering experience.