Is food provided in the price?

Yes. three meals a day are provided, allowing participants to share communal dining. If you have dietary restrictions, please let us know.

What do I pack?

Dress casual! Check the weather before you come.

What are the accommodations?

Please note that sleeping rooms and bathrooms are shared. If you have a preferred roommate or special concerns, please contact us. For more privacy, you can book a room at The Willow Hotel,

which is conveniently located within walking distance of The Foundation. If you choose to stay at the hotel, The Foundation will charge only for your meals, at a cost of $100.

How do I get from the airport to The Urantia Foundation?

 How to get from O’Hare Airport to the Urantia Foundation? You will find options for traveling to 533 West Diversey Parkway by clicking on this link:

How to get from the Midway Airport to the Urantia Foundation? You will find options for traveling to 533 West Diversey Parkway by clicking on this link.

Do you need to believe in God to attend?

Some people are seeking for answers about our existence, origin, history and destiny. We will be focused on our relationship to God for our healing and spiritual growth.